Global university Entrance Examination


(Official) The whole world is subjected to a highly dangerous standardised exam called the Global University Entrance Examination. Answering questions by putting their lives at stake, they would live if they passed the test. Every month the exam will undergo reformation while, occasionally, it is random.

(KK’s version) One day, You Huo and his family was pulled into an exam called the Global University Entrance Examination. Going through exams together with other unfortunate examinees, their lives are put at stake and they can only live by passing each exam. However, something about these exams and the system ruling it didn’t seem right — It seemed to be trying to trap the examinees with ridiculous rules and strange questions…

There, You Huo meets lnvigiIator 001 who seems to hoId a key to the past he no Ionger remembered and, together, they go through the exam, unravelling the mysteries behind their past and the system.

Tldr: A pair of chaotic madmen work together to go against the examination system.


I do not own any of these translations.
Description taken from translation site
Credit to their real owners- KKTRANSLATES.

status - Translations complete

Main characters :

Name- Qin Jiu , Cold faced examiner

Qin Jiu , 2 faced examiner

You huo, cold examinee

( Made with Carrd )